... now. Sit down, in a figure od speech.

Make yourself comfortable for writing.

Keep in mind this particular situation of cooperation or shared production of knowledge that didn’t work out or even turned into a sort of a bad situation or something somewhat different to what was wished for… that didn't work...

Could you decribe it? What was the place? What circumstances? What was the problem?  

When did it turned into a sort of a bad situation for you or horrible one or just into somewhat different to what was wished for…?


there is 10 min time for this writing 

what would be the worst possible situation ever, when people come together, share, discuss and it does not work?

If you don’t have any memory of such, just fantasize:..


If you wish to do it in private, please, scrible one your own. 

If you want to co-write with others, you can do it here....

After 10 min of writing, please come back and go here