Is someone here?

Who has just entered? Fear?

And “we” just came along? Was “We” ever there.

When parasite enters the body, it will affect the behaviour, but it does not manipulate the brain like a puppet master, it is more like lagging and fogging brain at the same time.

Noises. There will be some changes in the way "we" are. Some changes in "our" ways. Some changes that you or your immunity system agreed to.


What do you mean "we". the body one inhabits, with others who inhabit it... The ones you nourish and the ones you deplete.

'Who are "we"? … It is a remonstrative question', say Donna Haraway. 


 Haraway J. Donna. 2004. The Haraway Reader. New York: Routledge. p 106

So now…



It can feel scary perhaps, but if it is so, remember, it is just a story....

Let’s withdraw even more from imagining or projecting a virtue on such possible situations of production of knowledge.

What if the virtue just goes bye, bye, together with an idea of an open doors.

Let’s get over "ourselves". Let’s go a bit more into improper, inappropriate, maybe even inappropriated.