OK, now... are you alone again? 


                Do you remember a moment when you were gathered together with other people, live or online, thinking together, ... or trying to think together, or someone was presenting some development… and you were there to…

so you were discussing… maybe, you were re-organizing something together, envisioning something that could be?

Perhaps trying to solve a problem together? 


… and somehow, even if it could… it did not make sense. Maybe, because someones so-called “ego” took over, and then someone else reacted to that...?

It was a moment of a production of knowledge...

Maybe in so called "public" institutional settings, maybe a museum or a gallery, or theatre or a school, or maybe some completely different space… alternative space.

It was uncomfortable… or comfortable… Not that it did not allow you to sense. You were there ok, but it just didn’t make sense. From some reason it did not lead to a conclusion or sharing of knowledge...

Or maybe the issue was too complicated?

Or a question posed was not a “real question”,not focused?

Or there was not enough time?

Or...those gathered were to tired to care.

Or... there were too many "issues" buried underneath.