Shhh....  over here....

Ok so this is not a table... And 'we' are not really here. You are not here either. yet... We are going to "share" something. Another "we"? You might ask. Yes, the "We". It will be the only "we" to be referred to from now on. what is that "We"? "We" will get to that... but first, let's produce it, let's make a deal, a valid deal... even if "we" are not really here.


There is something important I want ask "us" to agree on.

In this workshop... if anything works... here... "we" ...  won't say that. "We" won't say: "ok, we couldn’t really meet but still, it has worked. It has worked through new ways of working together."

No, we didn’t. No innovations here.... . Sure, if something works, go for it, use it, but "we" will keep quiet about that.

Promise me?


If you agree, you can proceed by click on: Yes, I do agree. And the agreement will be binding.