
Project details
Date 24 Oct 2020
Time 1 semester (2020 HØST)
Course IDG4112 Tangible Interaction Design for Health Promotion
Methods Sketching, brainstorming, gamestorming, interviews, Arduino prototping
Target group Elderly person and close others and family
Technologies Arduino prototyping, video editing
Materials Arduno board, touchsensor, speaker

[Walking in the garden]

Martina Wolna
André Tørlen Lønvik, Fredrik Veland
Anders-Petter Andersson, Giovanni Pignoni
Project description:
Box is part of the group project in a process of making a tangible and interactive prototype and services that address the problem of social isolation and passivity, by using the knowledge and practises from Health Promotion to strengthen social relations and activities. Concept#1 applies to elderly person as well as close others and family. Process involves users, as the prototype is started by interviewing and observing one of them.
Stage 1 - interview:
In order to understand the users and their situation the process included interviewing them. Concept#1 was inspired by elder woman, who loves to spend time in the gaden. She found her paradise her that gives her a feeling of peace and calmness. She compares cutting the grass to an excercise and being in the garden to meditation.
Stage 2 - brainstorming:
After gathering ideas the next stage was to consult them with other collaborators. Due to pandemic, most of the process took place online, using Miro app. Inspred by "Gamestorming" book written by Dave Gray and others team decided to post notes on the bord and vote for eachothers ideas. By that ideas were organized and prirotized.

Since many eldery people feel alone and often due to healyh reasons they are isolated inside the building the project is focusing on giving the "outside" feeling while being inside. User while walking on the room is stepping on the sensors that are triggering outside sound of the garden. For uses that cannot walk, device is placed next to their bed and by using thwir hand they can trigger device every time they need to feel "outside". Future feature of the device could be that it would make warm light in a room in order to suggest the sun, Hospital lights are cold and very bright.

Step 1-2-3:
1. Install device in the room, place senor in a way that ser is able to reach it (if user is laying in bed most of the time, ten put it close to it in a way that he or she will be ablr to reach touchsensor).
2. Touch by hand or foot.
3. Enjoy garden sound and artificial sunlight.
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