Stürzende Landschaften - Von der persönlichen Erfahrung zu kollektiven interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekten
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The practice of artists flows productively in research projects and individual ques-tions lead to collective research results. The entanglement of personally motivated artistic work and institutionalized interdisciplinary collaborations is perceived as an opportunity for artistic research, for which the free development of approaches and topics is essential. In five series of images different procedures of individual and collective research have been tested in practice and reflected. Making and thinking go hand in hand and the individual contributions can be rediscovered in common knowledge.
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Stürzende Landschaften - Von der persönlichen Erfahrung zu kollektiven interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekten
Im Text 'Stürzende Landschaften' werden fünf verschiedene Bilderserien beschrieben, welche hier als Slideshows betrachtet werden können.