The daily process of writing and collaging image and textual elements precipitated the unfolding of diagrammatic relations during an artist residency at Concordia's Senselab, Erin Manning and Brian Massumi’s research-creation initiative, housed at the Society for Arts and Technology (SAT) in downtown Montreal.
Presented here is a chronological strip format of daily activity, the relations between keywords, phrases, cut-ups and images move towards the production of a paper for the books Vocabulaboratories.
A new diagram was created for mapping the movement of thought for two paper invitations: a chapter on politics in Interfaces of Performance and a keynote address for the Digital Resources in the Humanities and Arts (DRHA) conference in Cambridge, September 2008 entitled Hacking the Re-markable Relation. Both texts are an extension of the process begun in Montreal. Presented here is a strip format of diagram details and the texts they generated.
Examples of an experiemental reading process of texts for discussion with colleagues and students as a re-markable, diffractive diagrammatic mapping of image/text elements, emphasis, and paratactical relations. Texts included Jacques Ranciere’s text “Sentence, Image, History” and Elizabeth Grosz’s Chaos, Territory, Art: Deleuze and the Framing of the Earth.
Continuing with the strip format as a documentation technique, details from the diagram are presented with two ‘works’ or what I call diagrammatic derivatives. In total over 50 diagrammatic derivatives were produced as works on paper in a variety of sizes (from 20x30cm to 80x100cm).