Approach: Artistic Research

There are many, at times competing definitions of artistic research around. For b-a-d-e, in a basic definition, artistic research has two implications:

(1) we can draw on artistic practice as a way to increase the amount of phenomena with which we confront ourselves; a world that includes art is fuller and perhaps even more complex; (2) artistic research challenges orthodox notions of knowledge, which are often propositional and which have a tendency to trans-subjectivity if not objectivity.


Thus, as we accept more and more – and also diverse - phenomena, we may need to find ‘epistemic containers’ that exceed what can be clearly defined, in particular but not limited to the early stages of a research process in which traces may be found, which are first of all unexplained and which, thus, pose a challenge to knowledge. (Is there a pattern? What kind of pattern? What may it indicate?)