Imagining Data. Part 1: Introduction
- spatial sound texture, temporal dispersion
- interaction through locomotion
- at one location experience coincides with structure of data
- insight through aesthetic experience
- auralisation
- Transpositions [TP]
- Bureau for Artistic Data Exploration (b-a-d-e)
- looking for order/form/structure/identities (in time/space) in data
- transpose data into artefacts which can be experienced
- artefacts affording aesthetic experience
- insights through aesthetic attitude
- transposition: data => process => artefact
- explore resonances of data in/through the process
- process designed according to artistic practices/sensibilities
Artistic Research
Dynamic Systems
- thinking interactive performance systems as dynamic systems
- development of simulation environment (software ‘rattle’)
- initially use a dynamic system for dimension reduction
- characteristics of data seen through behaviour of system
- system's behaviour as a way to explore the data (resonance)